Puesto: Profesor
Oficina: 109A FM
Teléfono: 2511-6574
Correo: daniel.azofeifa@ucr.ac.cr
Especialización/Intereses de investigación: Absorción de hidrógeno en metales, propiedades ópticas y eléctricas de capas delgadas metálicas, color estructural
- Doctor of Philosophy, Ohio University, Ohio, U.S.A (1984).
- Master of Science, Ohio University, Ohio, U.S.A (1983).
- Bachiller en Física, Universidad de Costa Rica (1978).
- Profesor de Segunda Enseñanza en el Ramo de la Física, Universidad de Costa Rica (1976).
- T.Tanaka, M.Keita, D.E.Azofeifa. "Theory of Hydrogen absorption in metal hydrides". Physical Review B 24, 1717 (1981).
- T.Tanaka and D.E.Azofeifa. "Theory of Hydrogen absorption in metal hydrides". Publicado en Electronic Structure and Properties of Hydrogen in Metals". Editada por P.Jena y C.B. Satterthwaite (1982).
- D.E.Azofeifa. "Interacción Hidrógeno-Hidrógeno en los metales hidrogenados". Ciencia y Tecnología 10, 75 (1986).
- D.Azofeifa, A.Sáenz y J.A.Villalobos. "Una nueva imágen del Cometa Halley". Ciencia y Tecnología 11, 75 (1987).
- D.E.Azofeifa y N.Clark. "Hall Coefficient and Resistivity in Hydrogenated Pd Films". Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie N.F. 163, 621 (1989).
- D.E.Azofeifa y N.Clark. "Electrical Resistance in Hydrogenated Nb Thin Films" 62, 307.(1990) Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 62, Surface Science, p.307. M.Cardona,editor.
- N.Clark, D.E.Azofeifa. "Interdiffussion of Cu-In Films Studied by Resistometric Method". 62, 311 (1990) Springer Proceedings in Physics, Surface Science,. M.Cardona, editor.
- W.Fernández, D.E.Azofeifa y J.A.Villalobos. "El Eclipse Total de Sol del 11 de julio de1991:Aspectos Generales". En El Eclipse Total de Sol del 11 de julio de 1991:Observaciones científicas realizadas en Costa Rica. W.Fernández, editor. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica (1992). ISBN9977-67-185-0
- D.E.Azofeifa y A.Solano. "Duración del Eclipse Total de Sol del 11 de julio de 1991". En El Eclipse Total de Sol del 11 de julio de 1991: Observaciones científicas realizadas en Costa Rica, W.Fernández, editor. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica (1992). ISBN9977-67-185-0.
- D.E.Azofeifa and N.Clark. “Hydrogen absorption in Pd coated Nb and V films”. Zeitschirft fur Physikalische Chemie 181, 387 (1993).
- D.E.Azofeifa, N.Clark y A.Amador. “Hydrogen Absortion by Pd Coated Al Thin Films”. Surface, Vaccum and their Applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 378- I.Hernández-Calderón and R.Asomoza, editors. AIP press, New York, 1996, pag.623.
- R.Araya Gochez J.A.Villalobos, D.E.Azofeifa, y A.Saenz “Calendario de Eventos Astronómicos 1997” - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. (1996).
- D.E.Azofeifa, N.Clark, A.Amador and A.Saenz. “Determination of hydrogen absorption in Pd coated Al thin films”. Thin Solid Films 300(1997)295.
- D.E.Azofeifa and N.Clark - “The effect of hydrogen uptake on the Hall resistivity and the electrical resistivity of gadolinium films”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 253-254(1997)333.
- J. A. Villalobos, D. E. Azofeifa, R. Araya Gochez y A. Saenz “Calendario de Eventos Astronómicos 1998” - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica (1997).
- D.E.Azofeifa, N.Clark, A.Amador. “Hydrogen Absorption in Pd/Al multilayers” Revista Mexicana de Física, 44, Suple.3, 273 (1998).
- A.Saenz, J.A.Villalobos, R.Araya Gochez y D.E.Azofeifa - Calendario de Eventos Astronómicos 1999 - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica (1998). ISBN- 9977-67-538-4.
- D.E.Azofeifa, N.Clark y J.A.Araya-Pochet- “Optical properties of hydrogenated Palladium coated Gadolinium and Dysprosium films” - En Proceedings of the 9th Latin American Congress on Surface Sciences and Applications, Editores O.de Melo y I.Hernández-Calderón, pag.211- World Scientific Publisher, Singapure (1999).
- D.E.Azofeifa, A.Saenz, J.A.Villalobos y - Calendario de Eventos Astronómicos 2000 -Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica. (1999). ISBN- 9977-67-590-2.
- D.E.Azofeifa, N.Clark- “Optical and electrical changes of hydrogenated Dy films” -Journal of Alloys and Compounds 305(2000)32.
- D.E. Azofeifa – “Panorama de la Física en los años 90 “– en Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico en Costa Rica: Logros y Perspectivas, tomo II, Memorias de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Vol 5, Costa Rica (2000) pag.31.
- J.A.Villalobos, D.E.Azofeifa y A.Saenz - “Calendario de Eventos Astronómicos 2001” - Editorial Farben Norma (2000)- ISBN- 9968-15-099-1.
- A.Saenz, J.A. Villalobos y D.E. Azofeifa - “Calendario Astronómico 2002” - Ediciones Farben (2001) ISBN 9968-15-136-X
- D.W. Koon, D. E. Azofeifa, N. Clark -“The composite Hall effect of nonmagnetic and magnetic bilayers” - Thin Solid Films 405(2002)98.
- D.W. Koon, D. E. Azofeifa, N. Clark. -“The Hall Effect in Hydrided Rare Earth Films: Removing Bilayer Effects” - Surface Review and Letters 9 (2002)1721.
- D.E. Azofeifa, A. Sáenz y J.A. Villalobos - “Calendario Astronómico 2003” - Editorial Edit GCG S.A. (2002) ISBN 9968-906-00-X.
- W. Vargas, D.E. Azofeifa, N. Clark “Retrieved optical properties of thin films on absorbing substrates from transmittance measurements by application of the spectral projected gradient method” - Thin Solid Films 425(2003)1-8.
- A.Sáenz y D.E. Azofeifa - “Calendario Astronómico 2004” - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica (2003) ISBN 9977-67-852-9.
- Daniel Azofeifa y Alejandro Sáenz - “Calendario Astronómico 2005” - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica (2004) ISBN 9977-67-934-7.
- Daniel Azofeifa, Neville Clark and William Vargas -“Optical and electrical properties of Terbium films as a function of hydrogen concentration” – Phys. Stat. Solidi(b) 242, No.10, (2005) 2005.
- José Alberto Villalobos, Manuel Ortega y Daniel Azofeifa - “Calendario Astronómico 2006” - Editorial de la Universidad de Costa Rica (2005) ISBN 9968-936-21-9.
- W.E.Vargas, I.Rojas, D.E. Azofeifa and N. Clark - “Optical and Electrical Properties of Hydrided Pd Thin Films” – Thin Solid Films 496 (2006)189.
- Omar Rojas, Miguel Araya, Mavis L. Montero, Daniel E. Azofeifa and William E. Vargas -“Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II) containing PMMA co-polymer for Optical Applications” - Journal of Materials Science 42(No.9)(2007) 3161-3166; DOI 10.1007/s10853-006-1380-1
- W.E. Vargas, A. Amador, D.E.Azofeifa y N. Clark -“Semiconductor behaviour of Dy thin films with increasing hydrogen pressure” - Thin Solid Films 515 (2007) 8087–8093.Doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2007.04030
- D.E. Azofeifa, W.Vargas, N.Clark y H.Solis- “Optical and electrical properties of Holmium thin films as a function of hydrogen concentration” – Journal of Alloys and Compounds 446–447 (2007) 522–525; DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.02.061
- W. E. Vargas, D.E. Azofeifa, N. Clark y X. Márquez – “Collective response of silver islands on a dielectric substrate when normally illuminated with electromagnetic radiation” - J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 025309; DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.02.061
- W. E. Vargas, D.E. Azofeifa y N. Clark- “On the optical absorption coefficient of Gd hydride thin films: coexistence of the Gd (GdH2) and GdHx (GdH2+y) phases” - J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42 (2009) 015416, DOI:10.1088/0022-3727/42/1/015416.
- G.K. Pálsson, Y.T. Wang, D. Azofeifa, H. Raanaei, M. Sahlberg and B. Hjörvarsson- “Influence of Titanium and Vanadium on the hydrogen transport through amorphous alumina films”– Journal of Alloys and Compounds 494(2010)239; doi:10.1016 /j.jallcom.2009.12.178.
- Cristian Campos-Fernández, Daniel E. Azofeifa, Marcela Hernández-Jiménez, Adams Ruiz-Ruiz and William E. Vargas- “Visible light reflection spectra from cuticle layered materials” - OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 1(2011) 85. https://doi.org/10.1364/OME.1.000085.
- D.E. Azofeifa, W.E. Vargas and H.J. Arguedas – “Optical Properties of Chitin Chitosan Bioplymers with Application to Structural Color Analysis” – Optical Materials 35 (2012) 175 - http:// dx.doi.org/10.1016j.optmat.2012.07.024.41. D. E. Azofeifa, N. Clark, W. E. Vargas, H. Solís, G. K. Pálsson, and B. Hjörvarsson –“Temperature- and hydrogen-induced changes in the optical properties of Pd capped V thin films” - Phys. Scr. 86 (2012) 065702; doi:10.1088/0031-8949/86/06/065702
- W.E. Vargas, D.E. Azofeifa y H.J. Arguedas - “Índices de refracción de la quitina, el quitosano y el ácido úrico con aplicación al análisis de color estructural” – Opt. Pura Apl. 46 (1) 55-72 (2013). http://dx.doi.org/10.7/OPA.46.1.55
- D. E. Azofeifa, N. Clark, W. E. Vargas, H. Solís, G. K. Pálsson, and B. Hjörvarsson –“Hydrogen Induced Changes in the Optical Properties of Pd Capped V Thin Films” –Journal of Alloys and Compounds 580 (2013)S114; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.03.146.
- N.Clark, W.E. Vargas, D.E. Azofeifa, G.Sáenz-Arce, H.Solís, and G. Ramírez-Hidalgo- “Polycrystalline indium films in the percolation threshold regime: time correlation between electric conduction and optical properties with film morphology” – Materials Research Express 1(2014)016302; doi:10.1088/2053-1591/0/0/000000
- E Libby, D E Azofeifa, M Hernández-Jiménez, C Barboza-Aguilar, A Solís, I García-Aguilar, L Arce-Marenco, A Hernández and W E Vargas – “Light reflection by the cuticle of C. aurigans scarabs: a biological broadband reflector of left handed circularly polarized light” Journal of Optics16(2014)082001; doi 10.1088/2040-8978/16/8/082001.
- William E. Vargas, Daniel E. Azofeifa, Neville Clark, Hugo Solis, Felipe Montealegre and Michael Cambronero- “Parametric formulation of the dielectric function of palladium and palladium hydride thin films” -Applied Optics 53,No.24(2014)5294-5306; http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/AO.53.005294
- Mavis L. Montero, Daniel E. Azofeifa, Leslie W. Pineda, Gilbert Ulloa Brenes, Ilse Gutiérrez Schwanhäuser – “Espacios de aprendizaje interdisciplinario para Ciencias Básicas: La experiencia del Laboratorio de Materiales y Nanotecnología”. En I Congreso Internacional de Innovación en la Docencia, editor Edgar Solano Muñoz, Editorial Nuevas Perspectivas (2014). ISBN-978-9968677-11-0
- M. Hernández-Jiménez, D. E. Azofeifa, E. Libby, C. Barboza-Aguilar, Á. Solís, L. Arce-Marenco, I. García-Aguilar, A. Hernández, and W. E. Vargas - "Qualitative correlation between structural chirality through the cuticle of Chrysina aurigans scarabs and left-handed circular polarization of the reflected light" - OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS - Vol. 4, No. 12 (2014)2632; DOI:10.1364/OME.4.002632.
- Neville Clark, William E. Vargas y Daniel E. Azofeifa - "Dielectric function of Pd hydride thin films in terms of hydrogen concentration and film’s thickness: aparametric formulation" - Journal of Alloys and Compounds 645 (2015) S320; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.12.153
- D.E. Azofeifa, M. Hernández-Jiménez, E. Libby, A. Solís, C. Barboza-Aguilar, W.E. Vargas - "A quantitative assessment approach of feasible optical mechanisms contributing to structural color of golden-like Chrysina aurigans scarab beetles" -Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 160(2015)63; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jqsrt.2015.03.014
- W. E. Vargas, M. Hernández-Jiménez, E. Libby,D. E. Azofeifa, A. Solís and C. Barboza-Aguilar - "Broadening of effective photonic band gaps in biological chiral structures: From intrinsic narrow band gaps to broad band reflection spectra" -Europhysics Letters (EPL) 111 (2015) 64001; doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/111/64001.
- W. E. Vargas, M. Hernández-Jiménez, E. Libby, D. E. Azofeifa, C. Barboza, Á. Solis - "Light Reflection by Cuticles of Chrysina JewelScarabs: Optical Measurements,Morphology Characterization, and Theoretical Modeling" - Optics and Photonics Journal, 6 (2016)146-16; http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/opj.2016.67017
- Hugo Solís, Neville Clark, Daniel Azofeifa and E. Avendano - "Room temperature gas-solid reaction of titanium on glass surfaces forming a very low resistivity layer" - AIP ADVANCES 6 (2016) 095218; DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4963679
- Daniel E. Azofeifa, Neville Clark, William E. Vargas, Hugo Solís, E. Avendano, Michael Cambronero and Diana Valverde-Méndez - "Dielectric function of palladium capped zirconium thin films as a function of absorbed hydrogen" - International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 22373; http://dx.doi.org:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.01.190
- William E. Vargas, Esteban Avendano, Marcela Hernández-Jiménez, Daniel E. Azofeifa, Eduardo Libby, Ángel Solís and Cynthia Barboza-Aguilar – “Photonic Crystal Characterization of the Cuticles of Chrysinachrysargyrea and Chrysina optima Jewel Scarab Beetles” – Biomimetics 3 (2018) 30; https://doi.org/10.3390/biomimetics3040030
- W. E. Vargas, N. Clark, F. Muñoz-Rojas, D. E. Azofeifa and G. A. Niklasson –“Optical, charge transport and magnetic properties of palladium retrieved fromphotometric measurements: approaching the quantum mechanics background” - Phys.Scr. 94 (2019) 055101; https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ab07ee
Física de la Materia Condensada