Puesto: Profesor
Oficina: 109B FM
Teléfono: 2511-6575
Correo: marcela.hernandezjimenez@ucr.ac.cr
Especialización/Intereses de investigación: Física del estado sólido
- Doctorado en Física de la Materia Condensada, Universidade Estatal de Campinas (2007).
- Máster en Física de la Materia Condensada, Universidade Estatal de Campinas y Brazilian Synchrotron Laboratory (2003).
- Bachillerato en Física, Universidad de Costa Rica (2001).
- Hernández-Jiménez M. and Westfahl H.“Theory of Microphase Separation in Side-Chain Liquid-Crystalline Polymers” European Physical Journal E 23 (2007),31-42.
- Campos-Fernández C., Azofeifa D.E., Hernández-Jiménez M., Ruiz-Ruiz A., and Vargas W.E. "Visible light reflection spectra from cuticle layered materials."Optical Materials Express 1.1 (2011):85-100.
- Libby E., Azofeifa D.E., Hernández-Jiménez M., Barboza-Aguilar C., Solís A., García-Aguilar I., Arce-Marenco L., Hernández A., and Vargas W.E. et al. "Light reflection by the cuticle of C. aurigans scarabs: a biological broadband reflector of left handed circularly polarized light." Journal of Optics 16.8 (2014): 082001.
- M. Hernández-Jiménez, D. E. Azofeifa, E. Libby, C. Barboza-Aguilar, Á. Solís, L. Arce-Marenco, I. García-Aguilar, A. Hernández, and W. E. Vargas, ”Qualitative correlation between structural chirality through the cuticle of Chrysina aurigans scarabs and left-handed circular polarization of the reflected light” Opt. Mater. Express 4 (2014), 2632-2645
- Azofeifa, D. E., Hernández-Jiménez, M., Libby, E., Solís, A., Barboza-Aguilar, C., & Vargas, W. E. . "Aquantitative assessment approach of feasible optical mechanisms contributing to structural color of golden-like Chrysina aurigans scarab beetles." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 160 (2015): 63-74.
- Vargas, W. E., et al. "Broadening of effective photonic band gaps in biological chiral structures: From intrinsic narrow band gaps to broad band reflection spectra." EPL (Europhysics Letters) 111.6 (2015):64001.
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