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Dra. Lela Taliashvilli

Dra. Lela Taliashvilli

Puesto: Profesor

Oficina: 502FM

Teléfono: 2511-6568


Especialización/Intereses de investigación: Astrofísica Solar, Geofísica Espacial y Clima Espacial

Estudios Universitarios: 

- Doctorado en Ciencias (Astrofísica) (2009).

- Facultad de Matemática de la Universidad Estatal de Tbilisi, República de Georgia (1984).
- Maestría en Astronomía de la Universidad Estatal de Tbilisi, República de Georgia (1984).


- Gutiérrez, H., Taliashvili, L., Lazarian, A. and Mouradian, Z. 2017. A Study of Coronal Hole Associated with a Large Filament Eruption. MNRAS 471, 4776-4787
- Gutiérrez, H., Taliashvili, L. Lazarian, A. and Mouradian, Z. 2017. Evolution of a Large Solar Region with Interrelated Filaments and Long--lived Coronal Holes. MNRAS (submitted ID: MN-17-4119-MJ)
- C. Salas-Matamoros, C., Klein, K.-L. and Taliashvili, L. 2013. Statistical relationship between CME speed and soft X-ray peak flux of the associated flare during solar cycle 23. Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 300, 2013. B. Schmieder, J.-M. Malherbe & S. T. Wu, eds. pp. 487 - 488. DOI:10.1017/ S1743921313011678.
- Gutiérrez, H., Taliashvili, L. and Mouradian, Z. 2013. Evolution of a Group of Coronal Holes Associated with Eruption of Nearby Prominences and CMEs. Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 300, 2013. B. Schmieder, J.-M. Malherbe & S. T. Wu, eds. pp. 418 - 419. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313011356.
- Taliashvili, L., Mouradian, Z. and Gutiérrez, H. 2013. Different Stages of Evolution of Prominence and the Associated CMEs. Nature of Prominences and their role in Space Weather Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 300, 2013. B. Schmieder, J.-M. Malherbe & S. T. Wu, eds. pp. 497 - 499. DOI: 10.1017/S1743921313011721.
- Gutiérrez, H., Taliashvili, L. and Mouradian, Z. 2013. Short Term Topological Changes of Coronal Holes Associated with Prominence Eruptions and Subsequent CMEs. Advances in Space Research, Volume 51, Issue 10, pp. 1824-1833
- Jorge Paez, Lela Talishvili, Juan Boza. 2010. "Catalog of Solar Radio Spectrograms, year: 2009”. Callisto Radio Telescope, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
- Jorge Paez, Lela Talishvili, Juan Boza. 2010. "Catalog of Solar Radio Spectrograms, year: 2008". Callisto Radio Telescope, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
- Jorge Paez, Lela Talishvili, Juan Boza. 2010. "Catalog of Solar Radio Spectrograms, year: 2007". Callisto Radio Telescope, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
- Taliashvili, L., Mouradian, Z. and Páez, J.: 2009. Dynamic and Thermal Disappearance of Prominences and Their Geoeffectiveness. Solar Physics, 258, pp. 277-295.
- Taliashvili, L., Mouradian, Z. and Paez, J.: 2008. Dynamic disappearance of prominences and their geoeffectiveness. Geofisica Internacional, 47(3), pp. 279-285.
- Paez J., Talishvili L.,, Boza J., Monstein Ch., Benz A., Salas C., Herrera L. 2007. Radio Spectrometry From 20 to 440 Mhz of Solar Radio Events. Proc. Of VIII Latin-American Conference in Space Geophysics (VIII COLAGE), July, 11-17, Mérida, México; p. S7-1-04.
- Taliashvili L., Mouradian Z., Páez J. 2007. Dynamic and Thermal Prominence Disappearance and Their Geoeffectiveness. Proc. of VIII Latin-American Conference in Space Geophysics (VIII COLAGE), July, 11- 17, Mérida, México; p. S1-3-02.
- Taliashvili L., Gutiérrez H. 2001. Coronal Holes and Space Weather. VI Latin-American Conference in Space Geophysics (VI COLAGE), October, 1-5, 2001, Tomé, Chile; p. FSSP-34
- Taliashvili L., Gutiérrez H. 2000. Agujeros Coronales y Tiempo Cósmico. Proc. Of I Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de Física y XII Congreso Costarricense de Física, 13-17 de Noviembre, 2000, UCR, San José, Costa Rica; p.43.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 2000. Catalog of CMEs of 1994-1997. 2000. Proc. of I Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de Física y XII Congreso Costarricense de Física, 13-17 de Noviembre, 2000, UCR, San José, Costa Rica; p.42.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 2000. Catalog of CMEs of 1994-1997. Proc. of International Workshop on Observing Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays From Space and Earth, August, 9-12, 2000, Metepec, Puebla, México; p.53.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 2000. Catalog of CMEs of 1994-1997. Proc. of International Conference of Solar Eruptive Events, March, 5-10, 2000, Washington D.C.; p.42.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 1998. Study of Solar Filaments Geoeffectiveness. Proc. of XI Congreso Costarricense de Física, 9-11 de Noviembre de 1998, San José, Costa Rica; p.12.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 1998. Effects of Coronal Mass Ejections During the First Half of 1997. Proc. of XI Congreso Costarricense de Física, 9-11 de Noviembre de 1998, San José, Costa Rica; p.11.
- Taliashvili L., Paez J. 1998. Study of Geoeffective Solar Filaments, Proc. of V Latin-American Conference in Space Geophysics (V COLAGE), November, 3-7, 1998, San José, Costa Rica; W-SW-15, p.146.
- Naskidashvili B.D., Rogava, O.G., Taliashvili, L.I., Shatashvili, L.Kh.: 1995. The Solar-Daily Variations of the Cosmic Rays Correlated with the Changes of the Solar and Magnetic Activities. Series of Physics, 59, pp.139-142.
- Belov, A.V., Ishkov, V.N., Taliashvili, L.I., Shatashvili, L.Kh.: 1991. The Variations of the Cosmic Ray Assosiated with Disappearance of the Solar Filaments. Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 31 (2), pp. 345-348.
- Belov A.V., Ishkov V.N., Taliashvili L.I., Shatashvili L.Kh. 1990. Cosmic Ray Variations Connected with the Disappearance of the Filaments. Proc. of 12-th European Cosmic Ray Simposium, 1990; UK., AH-5.
- Belov A.V., Ishkov V.N., Taliashvili L.I., Shatashvili L.Kh. 1989. Variations of Cosmic Ray Connected with the Disappearance of the Filaments. Proc. of V Simposium of Phisics of Sun-Earth, 2-6 October, 1989; Samarkand, USSR. Edd. Migulin, B.B., Benkova, H.G., Miroshnichenko, L.I., Obridko, B.N., Papoport, Z.S., Inter. Geophys. Comm. of Russian A.N., p.263.

Departamento o Sección: 

Centro de Investigaciones Espaciales (CINESPA).


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